Holiday Dangers for your Pet

Holiday Dangers for Your Pet

At Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital we are dedicated to compassionate veterinary care for local pets. It’s important to us, as your vet, that your pet receives routine exams to maintain general wellness. Equally as important is educating pet owners about changes in your pet that may show up between visits to our veterinarian’s office, and possible health and safety hazards that aren’t commonly considered by many pet owners.

There are at least twelve holidays in the United States every calendar year, plus birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries. Planning holiday festivities can be overwhelming. While party planners and decorators are focused on pleasing their guests, it’s not uncommon to overlook some issues that may affect your pet.

Winter Holidays

Plants: Some plants are poisonous to animals. Pine needles, poinsettias, lilies, holly, and mistletoe are among the potentially toxic plants.

Food and Beverages: Be sure to clear all non-pet food from within your pet’s reach. Chicken and turkey bones are known hazards, but in the excitement of a party, guests may absentmindedly leave them on coffee tables or otherwise within a pet’s reach. Chocolates, garlic, and onions should be kept away from pets. Be sure your pet isn’t able to drink from leftover cocktail glasses either. Alcohol can have fatal effects on pets. Make certain that full garbage bags are placed in secured containers. The aromas coming from partially eaten plates can entice some pets to tear through trash bags to get to the food.

Decorations: It’s best not to use glass ball ornaments on a tree if you have pets. Tinsel should also be avoided when decorating a tree. Cats have been known to be attracted to the shiny filaments. Playing with them while on a tree or eating the strings poses a health and safety hazard.

Summer Holidays

Fireworks: As exciting and glorious as a fireworks display can be for people, the smoke, lights, and noises can be terrifying for your pets. What may seem like a nice evening at a park can be traumatic to your dog.

Noise Poppers: Similar to fireworks, noise poppers can be stressful for your pets.

Fall Holidays

Candles: Never leave a pet alone with a live flame. Pets can be unpredictable which presents a fire hazard.

There's never a good time to have a sick pet. Call our veterinarian at Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital today at 626-357-2251. We are here to answer your questions about pet hazards during the holidays.

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