Senior Pet Care From Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital

If you have a cat or dog that is considered to be in their elderly years, you are undoubtedly concerned about the care you provide to them so they continue to live a happy and healthy life during this time of their life. Making an appointment at Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital to meet with our veterinary team is an option that helps to monitor your pet in their senior years. Here are some tips to help you keep your pet healthy as they age and how our veterinarian can help.

Senior Pet

Allow Your Pet To Take Their Time

When a pet ages, their body may not function as quickly as it had in the past. It is important to be patient with your pet as they try to get around and do their daily activities. Do not scold your pet for walking slowly or for avoiding activities that may cause them to become injured. Do your best to avoid walking your dog in areas where uneven ground or hilly spots are present as well.

Observe Your Pet For Behavioral Changes

When your pet gets older, some changes to their routine behavior may become apparent. Watch your pet's eating habits and make note of any changes in the amount of food it consumes so you can alert our veterinarian and a checkup can be conducted. Your cat may have trouble making it to the litter box in time and your dog might have an elimination accident every now and again. These could be the result of physical changes within the digestive system and an evaluation should be done to rule out any medical conditions.

Provide A Comfortable Spot For Your Pet

An aging pet usually requires more sleep than younger pets. They may also feel cool temperatures more easily. Set aside an area in your home for your pet to rest comfortably with ample warmth. A dog bed or a box with a blanket inside will work well. Keep it at a low level so your pet has no difficulty getting in and out when they desire.

Call Our Vet For An Appointment

It is important that your pet sees our vet at least yearly so their medical condition is monitored on a routine basis. Some people prefer to bring their pet to our vet on a semi-annual basis. If our veterinarian recommends this, it is best for your pet's health as they will have checkups conducted to determine whether their health is up to par for their age or whether medical treatment is necessary to keep them thriving during their later years.

Make an appointment with Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital for veterinary care. Call us at (626) 357-2251


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