Pet Dental FAQ

Duarte Azuza pet dental

Common Questions About Pet Dentalat Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital

You want the best for your pet, which includes them being healthy and happy during long, comfortable lives. Giving them skilled, regular dental care with an experienced pet dentist is one step you can take to ensure this for them. Most dental issues in pets can be prevented with good dental care, and if issues do arise, dental care can almost always cure them. You just need to bring your pets in to see us on a regular basis. Making dental exams a part of your pet's usual annual checkup is an excellent start on the road to good health for them.

We offer a wide variety of dental services for dogs, cats, and other pets. Our pet parents often have questions about them. Here are the FAQs to our most commonly asked questions about pet dental care:

Why is Pet dental at Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital Important?

Good dental care is essential to the lifelong health and wellbeing of your pets. Just like people, your pets can suffer from such dental maladies as tooth decay, cavities, mouth sores, periodontal disease, abscesses, infections from abscesses, and gingivitis. Any of these things can cause your pet to have trouble eating or drinking due to pain in the teeth or mouth. Dental disease can even lead to chronic illnesses in other parts of your pet.

How Often Do Pets Need Dental Exams?

We suggest an annual dental exam for your pet as part of their annual or semi-annual wellness checks. You can also bring your pet in for a standalone dental exam if you notice anything new and unusual going on with their teeth and/or gums.

What is a Pet Teeth Cleaning Session Like?

It is important to get your pet's teeth cleaned by a professional on a regular basis, just like it is for humans to do. The cleaning is much the same as for people, except we do it under anesthesia. This makes it much easier on your pet and on us. It is a safe and gentle procedure, and your pet won't even know we touched their teeth, which should make them happy.

During the exam, we will look for cavities, signs of dental enamel decay, tartar, plaque, and gum disease. If your pet needs treatment for any of these things, we will let you know.

Can You Do Extractions?

Yes. If your pet needs to have a tooth pulled because of dental disease like tooth decay, infection, abscess, or a very large cavity, we can perform the extraction.

What Should I Do Next?

Be sure your pets always have a bright smile and excellent health by getting regular dental exams for them at our pet clinic. We can even provide you with special food, rinses, and chew toys to help keep your pet's teeth healthy between visits. Call us to schedule an appointment for your pet today. We can be reached at (626) 357-2251.

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