Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital Answers Your Pet Eye Infections FAQ

Occasionally, pets develop eye infections that cause visible signs of a problem and may cause difficulty with vision. At Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital, we have a wealth of experience treating common conditions like eye infections in pets. Here are just a few questions that pet owners frequently ask.

Veterinarian treating a dog What Are the Signs of An Eye Infection?

The symptoms of an eye infection can be subtle or very noticeable. There may be redness, swelling of the eye, frequent blinking, pawing at the eye or rubbing it on the carpet. The animal may be sensitive to light or hold the eye closed. You may see discharge coming from the eyes. These are signs your pet should be examined by a veterinarian to find the source of the problem and to provide treatment.

What Causes Pet Eye Infections?

Eye infections can be caused by injury to the eye from rambling through the woods or from a foreign body that gets stuck in the eye. Irritation by smoke or grooming products can also lead to infection. Fungus infection can affect the eyes, as well as bacteria and viruses. Diseases such as distemper, hepatitis, canine influenza or herpes can cause eye infections. Parasites can also cause infection of the eyes. Abnormalities of the eyes or genetic problems can also lead to chronic infection. Some breeds, such as those with prominent eyes, may be more susceptible to eye infections.

How Do Veterinarians Treat Pet Eye Infections?

Your Duarte vet will use a number of instruments to examine the eye to determine if a foreign body or injury is present. A bacterial culture may be needed to identify the infectious agent. Generally, special veterinary ointments or eye drops are prescribed that you will have to administer several times each day.

Why Is Proper Treatment Important for Pet Eye Infections?

Your pet’s vision is as important as your own, and contributes to the animal’s quality of life. Untreated eye infections can lead to permanent blindness, so prompt treatment can help to maintain vision that will help your pet to be mobile and healthy throughout life.

Contact Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital for Treatment of Pet Eye Infections

Dr. Zabihi and the knowledgeable staff at Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital treat their patients in Duarte and surrounding areas like their own pets to ensure superior veterinary care at all stages of life. We offer a range of services including vaccinations, parasite prevention, puppy and kitten care, senior animal care, laser therapy and surgery. Call Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital today at (626) 357-2251 for an appointment to have your pet's eyes checked and learn about treatments for pet eye infections.

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