Toxic Ingestion/Poison

Toxic Ingestion/Poison

Many household items can be toxic to pets. As a pet owner, it's important to be familiar with potential hazards as well as the signs of a toxic ingestion. Located in Duarte, CA, and treating pets in Azusa, CA, and other surrounding areas, Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital can provide your pet with fast veterinary treatment.

Common Household Items Your Pet May Be Allergic To

Many substances that are safe for humans to ingest can be hazardous to pets. Many human foods, including chocolate, onions, garlic, and nuts are poisonous for pets. Raw meat, dairy products, and coconut products can also be dangerous.

Some plants can also be dangerous to pets. Plants to watch out for include:

  • Peace lily
  • Tulips
  • Poinsettias
  • Daffodils
  • Pothos
  • Sago palms
  • Azaleas

In addition to watching out for these substances, you should make sure that household chemicals and medications are safely out of your pet's reach. Human medications, including over-the-counter and prescription drugs, have the potential to be dangerous, but some pet medications can also poison your pet if they're ingested or used incorrectly.

Signs of Toxic Ingestion

If your pet has been poisoned, it's important to seek treatment as swiftly as possible. That's why you should keep an eye out for warning signs of a toxic ingestion. While symptoms can vary, some of the most common warning signs include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Tremors
  • Pale gums
  • Nosebleeds
  • Elevated heartbeat
  • Drooling

When to See a Vet

If your pet is showing signs of poisoning, or if you believe your pet may have ingested something toxic, you should reach out to your veterinarian as soon as possible. Depending on your pet's symptoms, your vet may have you monitor your pet at home or bring it in for emergency treatment. Poisoning symptoms can progress quickly, which is why it's always best to be cautious and check in with your veterinarian right away.

Make Sure Your Pet Gets the Veterinary Care It Needs

Many ordinary household items can be dangerous to pets. As a pet owner, you should be familiar with toxic items so that you can protect your pet and act quickly if you suspect poisoning. Located in Duarte, CA, and treating pets in Azusa, CA, and other nearby areas, Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital is here to provide pet care when you need it.

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8:00 am-11:30 am

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8:00 am-11:30 am

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