How to Prepare For Your First Road Trip With Your Pet

How to Prepare For Your First Road Trip With Your Pet

At times, it may be necessary to take a road trip, or it may be something you do for fun. Leaving your pet behind may not be an option, and preparation can be key in this endeavor. We at Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital attend to pets in Duarte, CA, and Azusa, CA. We can provide veterinary care and answer any questions you may have about traveling with your furry companion.

Observe Road Safety for Your Pet

Just like children and adults, your dog or cat also needs to be properly restrained. He may not only be a distraction while you drive, but he can be badly hurt or killed in the event of an accident. Their bodies may become a projectile in a crash, and they can crawl under the brakes or affect steering. Prepare to transport cats by purchasing a carrier, and dogs may be crated or outfitted with a harness that acts like a seatbelt.

Bring a Leash

Our vet may recommend your pet get his or her exercise to remain healthy while in transport. Veterinary experts may recommend observing leash laws for your dog to maintain the welfare and safety of all involved, as your pooch may be frightened in strange surroundings. This can also help to keep him from running off. It may be a good idea to remove leashes while your pet is inside the car to prevent tangling or choking. 

Plan Stops

Plan your route and timetable to allow your pet opportunity to get out and stretch. Bring his favorite snacks, plenty of water, nutritious food, and toys. He may need to be able to relieve himself.

Visit Us for More Information from Our Veterinarian at Our Animal Hospital

If you are a pet owner in Duarte, CA, and Azusa, CA, we look forward to hearing from you. We invite you to reach out to our veterinarian clinic to discuss your needs further. Call us at (626) 357-2251 for help from a vet at our animal hospital. We at Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital re here to help.

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