Pet Anesthesia

Pet Anesthesia: What You Need to Know

Pet anesthesia is an essential part of many veterinary procedures, from surgery to dental cleanings. While there are risks associated with anesthesia, it is generally safe when provided by a trained and experienced veterinarian. At Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital, we understand that you may have concerns about pet anesthesia and want to provide some information to put your mind at ease.

Why is Pet Anesthesia Necessary?

During pet surgery, animals are typically placed under general anesthesia to keep them in a sleep-like state. This prevents them from feeling any discomfort during the procedure. Without anesthesia, pets may move around, thrash, or even bite the veterinary surgeon and assistants in the room. Anesthesia also reduces anxiety and pain, making it easier for your pet to recover from the procedure.

Is Pet Anesthesia Safe?

Pet anesthesia is generally safe when provided by a trained and experienced veterinarian. However, as with any medical treatment, there are some risks associated with anesthesia. Before administering anesthesia, our veterinarians will perform a thorough physical examination and run blood tests to ensure that your pet is healthy enough to undergo anesthesia.

What to Expect During Pet Anesthesia

Before administering anesthesia, our veterinarians will explain the process and answer any questions you may have. They will then carefully monitor your pet throughout the procedure to ensure that they remain safe and comfortable. After the procedure, your pet will be closely monitored as they wake up from the anesthesia to ensure a smooth recovery.

Contact Our Veterinarians

If you have questions or concerns about pet anesthesia or think that your pet may require a veterinary procedure, contact Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital. Our experienced veterinarians are dedicated to providing the highest level of care for your pets. Call us today at (626) 357-2251 to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

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